KOREA | All about the new "Tourist Information Center" at Dongdaegu Station!

Have you noticed this odd yet beautiful building located outside Dongdaegu Station? It is newly built Tourist Information Center for both Koreans and non-Koreans. You are not interested in any tourist information? Well, this center offers more than that! Keep on reading!

Where can I find it?
If you come out of the main gate of Dongdaegu Station(trains, KTX), you will easily notice it on your left side. It is located between Shinsegae Department Store and the station. Very easy to spot!

Dongdaegu Station on the left and Shinsege Department Store on the right!
Inside the center 

I am a newbie. I need some help with finding where to go and such.
You’ve found the right spot! From the outside, the center introduces the most popular tourist spots in Daegu and some videos clips. Inside, you will find a number of pamphlets which are offered in four different languages: English, Chinese, Japanese and Korean.  

Outside the center

There are also people at the information desk to assist you with your questions! Any tourist question on tourist attractions, directions or accommodation can be solved.

What is that VR device on the table? What is it for?
Yes, it is! You can have a virtual trip to Daegu’s popular tourist attraction with VR.

I need to take a break!
We recognize that travelers often have tight schedule. It is important to have a regular break throughout the day for your best traveling experience. Dongdaegu Tourist Information Center has plenty of tables and seats that you are welcome to use.

Okay.. but I am going to go to a café so that I can charge my phone.
No worries! There are a couple of electric outlets you can use. If you have a charging cable and plug, it’s free of charge to use them. There are also FREE Wi-Fi!

Whether you are living in Daegu or traveling, we hope you have the best experience possible! Enjoy! 

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