Security in Korea | A Visit to Daegu Metropolitan Police Agency



Daegu is a Metropolitan city located in the South-East part of Korea. It is the third largest Metropolitan area in the country with a population of about 2.5 Million. One of the remarkable features of Daegu city, which many residents and visitors can attest to is the safe and peaceful environment the city offers. People in Daegu can move freely at any time of the day without fear of attacks, robbery or theft as it is often reported in other Cities across the World. This is due to the amazing efforts City police Agency.

The Daegu Metropolitan Policy Agency was established in 1981 as an upgrade to the existing police stations in the city. Since 2007, it has also offered field trips to more than 166,000 visitors. Apart from the main building, there are two other building that serve as annexes and other units of the Agency. These units operate concurrently to ensure the Agency delivers the best of service to the people.

The Emergency Command center

This is probably the first point of call for distressed residents who are in need of police services or assistance. With personnel stationed behind computers and other gadgets all day, the center receives the emergency numbers you dial and directs it to the nearest police center to move to the crime scene. This usually takes place within 5 minutes of receiving the call. An interesting feature in this center is that the system is fed with translators of more than 10 languages to ensure smooth communication between the police officers and other citizens who cannot speak the Korean language.

The Cyber and Crime Scene Investigation Unit

This unit investigates more serious and complex crimes. These include hacking, internet fraud, theft etc. From simple tools such as cards, brush and powder to more sophisticated forensic equipment, the officers apply the latest scientific knowledge to extract finger prints and other evidence that can assist them to effectively combat crime.

Traffic Information Center

The function of this center is basically to monitor, control and regulate traffic flow in the city. With a total of 156 surveillance cameras displayed on monitors in the control room, the officers are able to monitor the traffic situation in the city and announce the situation to commuters. Using high quality resolution, the officers are able to zoom in and rotate at almost all angles to capture real-life action on the streets of the city and enables them to dispatch officers quickly to areas where their services are needed.

The Shooting Range

Although police officers in the city hardly use their weapons, there is the need for them to be prepared in the event they are expected to do so. The shooting range serves this purpose where the officers practice their shooting using invisible laser with a pistol. The officers are therefore always prepared to handle any situation that comes up in the City. Visitors can practice their skills under their supervisions.


Apart from the units described above, the Policy Agency has other specialized units that perform other special functions. Daegu City has one of the lowest crime rates in the country and considered one of the safest. Anytime you visit or intend to visit Daegu, feel free to explore the city without any safety fears; always remember there are over 6000 Men of uniform ready to assist you and ensure your safety and security.

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