TRAVEL KOREA | 3 Best Themed Parks in Daegu

3 Best Themed Parks in Daegu!

1. Nature Park at Spa Valley

Go back to the Nature!  Nature park is the best all day program for a weekend. Everyone can find various activities there. They opened a new petting zoo area where you can feed several kinds of animals, for example meerkats, arctic fox and hedgehog. Meerkat babies were just born in this month!

It is a really huge Animal Valley where animals feel comfortable and have huge latitude. Peacock and turkey walk on the street next to the visitors, and if you are lucky you can see beautiful white peacock in full growth. Various animals in the zoo! Lion, monkey, squirrel and tiger too!

You will feel as Alice in Wonderland! Everywhere special and huge trees and endless flower garden with Butterfly and Birds Garden. There are a marvellous little lake with gold fishes and black swan. You can enjoy your time next to the Waterfalls and hear bird's song. Inside the building there are several program for children. They can do drawing or take a photo with animals. In the Nature Ecology Room you can find huge doctor fish tank and several aquarium with amazing decorations. It is a beautiful world under the water.

When I was there I got a new friend, a chinchilla! This animal loves spending time in the visitor’s head. It was a really unforgettable memory! If you love birds, you can feed them and let them sit on your hand or shoulder.
The best program for child is the leisure park. When children play, parents can enjoy time in a camp zone, where you can make delicious barbecue in the nature.
If you are hungry, there are lots of different restaurants and cats&dog cafè shop inside the park. There are a huge theme park next to the zoo where you can take a pictures. Nature Park make different theme area in Halloween or Christmas special events and programs that change with the seasons to give visitors a fresh new experience.

Customer Service Center: 1688-8511
Address: 891 Gachang-ro, Gachang-myeon, Dalseong-gun, Daegu
Ticket: 15000 won/visitor
Food for animals: 3000 won

2. Hillcrest

This is an eco-theme park with huge herbal garden and theme park. Theme park includes bumper cars, swinging ship, small train and beautiful turnabout. Eco-adventure was completed in 2008 and consists of zip-lines, climbing wall, ropes and other outdoor recreational sport facilities. Every age-group will find the perfect entertainment in Hillcrest! This is an endless flower garden with special statues and small waterfall. If you love scent of flower, you must visit the Herb Stores. Bath products, natural cosmetics and perfume and several herb aroma oil waiting for you there!
Hiicrest is a family-oriented small zoo and petting zoo. They help for you to understand animals and enjoy the time with furry friends.

Petting zoo&food: 3000 won
Ticket: 9900 won/visitor
Address: 1003, Gachang-ro, Gachang-myeon, Dalseong-gun, Daegu

3. 83 Tower

1st  Floor and 2nd  floor : Ice Rink and Euroseum
202-meter-high Tower has some really nice entertainment for you! 83 Tower is symbol of Deagu and offer incredible view of the city. First and second floor is a winter and magic wonderland! There is huge ice-skating rink with Christmas decoration. You have not time-control, you can skate for as long as you like. Bring some comfortable and warm clothes with you! It is a really fresh program with your friend during the hot summer! Next to the rink there is a Euroseum, this is an amazing 3D optical 
illusions art museum. It is the perfect date's place!

Ice rink ticket: 7000 won/people
Euroseum: 5000won/people

3rd Floor : Foodpolitan
There are korean and western, fushion restaurant in a 3rd floor. You would feel as if you walked in a small French street with delicious Wine Castle, huge cheddar cheese shop and traditional pub with beer barrel. There are really special atmosphere with flicker lamps.

4th Floor : Sky Garden
You can enjoy an amazing and spectacular view of Daegu. This is the ideal place to enjoy the firework or sunset after a long day. In the date you can put your padlock and come back some years later. It will be unforgettable memories.

Address: 200, Duryugongwon-ro, Dalseo-gu, Daegu

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