Korean Checkers(Baduk) Class for Women Begins in March: Register Now!

Beginning on March 6, class for Baduk begins its term for 2018. It is an annual class provided by Daegu Baduk Association and Korea Women’s Baduk Association(Daegu Region). Baduk is one of the Asia’s most popular mental sports, which is also known as Korean Checkers. The class is taught in Korean. If you can understand intermediate to advanced level of the language, this could be a very interesting skill set to add!

■Eligible: Women under 65
■Apply: Now - Mar 6
■Class: March 6 - Mar 2019
■Every Tue & Thur, 11:00 - 12:00
■Learn Korean Checkers’ etiquette & strategies and play actual games
■Price: free

How to Apply
Call 010-2528-3516, 010-9474-6806, or 053-744-1366 to register
You can also visit on the first day of class on March 6 to register. However, they highly recommend you give them a call beforehand so they can prepare you a textbook and such.

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