Korea’s National Emergency Numbers You Need to Know During Holidays

Dalgubeol Call Center (Daegu Municipal Government Info)
Call 120 if you have an inquiry on living in Korea such as passport, car registration, transportation, waterworks, tour, welfare, environment and municipal administration. From outside Daegu, you can dial 053-120. Otherwise, it will be connected to a local call center.
■ Hour: Weekday 8:00 – 21:00, Weekend/holidays 9:00 – 18:00
*Immediate help is not available during Seollal holidays(Feb 15 – 17). They will redirect you to a translating service operator if you need.
■ Languages: English, Chinese and Japanese

Travel Hotline
You can ask any question regarding traveling in Korea from popular attractions, restaurants, accommodations, etc. They also provide translation which comes in handy, for instance, when you take a taxi.
■ Hour:
24/7 for English, Chinese and Japanese.
Everyday 8:00 – 18:00 or 19:00 for Russian, Vietnamese, Taiwanese, Malay and Indonesian.
*Certain languages might not be available during Seollal holidays(Feb 15 – 17)

Fire and Medical Emergency                                         
When you need professional help extinguishing fire and call an ambulance. Dial 119. If you speak a language other than Korean, they set up a 3-way call with a translator.
■ Hour: 24/7
■ Languages: more than 21 languages available.

If you need to report a crime, you can call police at 112. It also set you with translation service.
■ Hour: 24/7

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