Apply for free tutoring for children of multicultural families

In order to assist education for children of multicultural families in Daegu, Daegu Metropolitan City offers a free tutoring service provided by Daekyo Corporation, one of the most well-known 1:1 tutoring services.

How to apply
Eligible: 3 – 12 years old
3 – 6 years old: Choose 1 subject between Hangeul and Korean
7 – 12 years old; Choose 1 subject among Korean, English, Math, Social Science and Science.
Submit: Application form, Certificate of Family Relations or/and Financial Statement
Where to submit: in-visit or fax(053-795-4312)
Deadline: now to Feb 20
*For more details, please refer to the official notice down below.

The official notice

Click here to download application form.Scroll down until you see ì‹ ì²­ì„œ_1.hwp”Application form is available in Korean.

Click the text highlighted in blue. 

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