Bring it on, the Scorching Heat! Daegu Metropolitan City Got Your Back During Summer 2018

Daegu City has started putting a comprehensive effort to keep the citizens safe and happy during the summer. The effort entails a series of methods ranging from informing the citizens before and during heatwave to operating cooling fog and neighborhood water parks. The following is some of the methods that are note-worthy.

● Campsite / Mini Water Park
From now to August 31, Geumhogang Campsite is available for public free of charge. Also, beginning from the end of June to early September, 11 mini water parks(물놀이장) will open.
Locations: Shincheon River, Geumhogang River, Sinseo Park, Sinam Park, Suseong Neighborhood Park(수성근린공원), Suseong Family Park, Yihyeong Park, Hamji Park, Paran Park, Gangchang Park, Chimsan Park.

Geumhogang Campsite
Mini Water Park(물놀이장) at Shincheon River

● Bottled Tap Water
During heatwave, cool bottled tap water will be provided for citizens at bustling locations such as popular parks.

● Cooling Fog
Lat year, cooling fog systems were set at 13 locations such as Cheongna Hill and Gukchaebosang Memorial Park. This year, Daegu Metropolitan City installs cooling fog at 22 venues.

2.28 Memorial Park in downtown 

● Road Sprinklers
When you walk on the street in summer, you will inevitably feel the heat coming from the roads. During afternoon, sprinklers installed on the road will be operated to cool down road, which can reduce the heat by 10 degree Celciius. The water used comes from underground, which will be otherwise wasted. So, this is eco-friendly way to keep the city less hot.

● Sprinkling Trucks
Likewise, sprinkling trucks will run throughout Daegu to cool down the roads that don’t have sprinklers installed.

● Canopies
Canopies were very popular last year since they provided cool shades while citizens were waiting at intersections where the sunshine directly hits. You will be able to see canopies here and there in 2018 summer as well.

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