During my high school days in Nigeria, I have always had the thought of studying abroad especially in Asia and specifically Japan because of technological advancements in the field of electronics and electrical engineering. By this period (2013) Korean companies like Hyundai, Kia and Samsung compared to Sony, Toyota and Honda were still gaining momentum in my country (Nigeria). So I wasn’t that interested in going to Korea. However, during my first year in the University (in Nigeria), I got to learn more about Korea through a friend studying over in Korea (Daegu).

The more I learnt the more engrossed I became. So at the end of my first year in the university a once in a lifetime opportunity presented itself. I had tried my luck for the Korean Government Scholarship Program for undergraduate studies (KGSP), and was selected. So I had to quit my university and start all over again so I could follow my passion.

KNU from atop the Global Plaza
Kyunghee University Seoul campus (My language Institute)

Through this program I was able to study Korean AT Kyunghee University for about a year before moving down to Daegu to my university.

             While applying for the KGSP-U program (embassy track), you have the choice of any 3 universities, hence any 3 cities you possibly want to live in. Knowing so little about Korea, I decided to choose 3 random cities and Universities (and Daegu and Seoul was one of my choices). Now after passing the preliminaries and gaining admission in both Seoul (capital) and Daegu, it was time to make a choice between both (that’s when the internet came in). I ended up choosing KNU in Daegu instead of SeoulTech in Seoul. These are several reasons why I chose Daegu over Seoul;

Map of Korea showing major cities circled
Looking at the map, you will find that Daegu is in between Seoul and Busan. If I am going to be living in Korea for years, I wanted to live where it is easy for me to travel to other megacities of the country with easy and for cheap (yeah, I like cheap things:)). So Daegu was the obvious choice for me. You can easily get to Seoul, Busan and even Daejon by Train or Bus with little or no transfer (I hate transits).

Kyunghee University on a snowy day (2016)

Daegu is one of the cities that receives minimal snow and rainfall (I guess), makes it an ideal city for me because I don’t like too much snow. Yeah, it is beautiful and all that but it makes it difficult to walk around and get deliveries from food stores:)

Like I said earlier I like cheap things:) if you are like me wanting a vibrant city but a bit laid back than Seoul, then Daegu is for you. Since I wanted to live alone, I know living in the Capital city is suicidal because like every other capital in the world, housing and amenities is always more expensive. In Daegu you enjoy what it is that makes a megacity but without the huge price tag that usually comes with it.


A trip to Ipab namu Habitat

Daegu is mountainous and filled with even shares of both natural vegetation and mountains, hence making it a home for hiking lovers. Also being located in the southern part of the country helps when it comes to pollution compared to Seoul. This is not to say there is no pollution in Daegu.


Night Photography
Farm land

If you don’t know what cyberpunk is, I suggest you watch any of the “Ghost in a Shell” series. Daegu being an urbanized city means it has a lot of skyscrapers with neon lights all over, hence a heaven for cyberpunk or night photography lovers (which I am). On the other hand, moving away from the center of the city also graces you with plentiful fresh air from natural vegetation and farm lands. 

Graduation from Intermediate Language class
 In conclusion, Daegu is just Daegu. Less populated than other megacities, moderately decent expat community, nature, good universities and lots more. After considering all these and weighing the odds with living in Seoul, I chose to live in Daegu and I have not regretted that decision. Thank you for reading:)!!

Spicy Chicken Cooking Class at the YMCA

Whether your food looks like it came straight out of Gordon Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmare or you’re the the amateur chef that host dinner parties just to make your friends envious, it is never a bad idea to add a few new recipes to your mental cook book. The Daegu YMCA offers cooking classes featuring Korean dishes throughout the year as part of their Korean Cultural Program. The classes are completely free, so you get to learn how to cook new dishes and get free meals. Besides, how great would it be to post meals on Instagram or Snapchat that YOU actually made for a change? No filters needed!

Hyun Jung Kim who also goes by Lily, manages the Daegu YMCA’s Korean Cultural Program. She helped facilitate the class and answered questions related to cooking. She’s super helpful and super sweet!


The chef conducted the class in Korean, however we had an interrupter to translate everything she was saying to us in English. Since the class was pretty small, the chef was able to walk around with the interpreter and individually assist every student during the cooking process.

Last class we learned how to make spicy chicken.

Here is the list of ingredients needed for this recipe. You should be able to find them at most grocery stores including E-mart and Homeplus.

Main ingredients
1 chicken
Rice cakes (add as desired)
2 mushrooms
2 peppers
½ onion
Cabbage (add as desired)
Pumpkins (add as desired)
1-2 tablespoons of sesame oil
200 ml of cooking wine 

For sauce
1 tablespoon red pepper paste
5 tablespoons red pepper powder
1 tablespoon of mashed garlic
⅓ tablespoon of ginger
200 ml of soy sauce
3 tablespoons of honey
1 teaspoon of black pepper powder

Here are the specific brands we used for class. 

The instructor was kind enough to pre-wash the chicken, place it in the pot with the cooking wine and water, and set our ingredients on the tables before class started.



Step 1: Cook the chicken in cooking wine and water 

*Make sure to remove the chicken fat from the top of the pot as you continue cooking.

Step 2: When you see the chicken is beginning to cook, add the pumpkins. This is the vegetable that takes the longest to cook, so it is important to add it first!  

Step 3: Finally, time to use the sauce! Add half of the sauce to pot 

One of the things the instructor constantly stressed was to make sure that the water didn’t reach a boiling point, so we always had to keep our eyes on the pot and adjust the flame of the oven.

Step 4: Add vegetables

Step 5: Add the rest of the sauce 

My lovely cooking partner is a much more skilled cook that me, so I let her be in charge of watching the pot to avoid a kitchen nightmare.

Step 6: Add sesame oil

Side note, granted that this is called “spicy” chicken, be aware of your own tolerance for heat. Although we were provided with two peppers, my cooking partner and I choose to only use one. If you are one of those people who have a low tolerance for heat, you may want to skip adding the peppers altogether.

Optional Step: Add a pack of delicious ramen noodles to the pot and enjoy, but slurp your noodles up quickly! If you leave them in the pot for too long, they will get super soggy and totally not good for slurping anymore.

The YMCA was more than generous when providing the food, so there was enough food for everyone to go home with leftovers. The chicken was so good that I ate the rest of it as soon as I got home!

I really enjoyed my time in this class. It was a lot of fun, the staff was super friendly and helpful, and I enjoyed chatting with the other participates. I’m definitely coming back. If you’re interested in joining a cooking class, they have classes scheduled all throughout the year. Here is the list of classes they will be offering: 

Saturday, 14:00 - 15:30

1. May 12  김밥 Korean rice roll : Gimbap
2. May 19  닭갈비 Spicy grilled chicken
3. May 26  불고기 덮밥 Bulgogi with rice
4. July 14  삼계탕 Samgyetang
5. September 1  떡갈비 Tteok-galbi
6. September 8  비빔밥 bibmbap
7. September 15  갈비찜 Galbi-jjim
8. October 6  잡채 Japchae
9. October 13  찜닭  Jjimdak
10. October 20  부대찌개 Budae-jjigae
11. November 3  김치  Kimchi

In addition to cooking classes, the YMCA offers a ton of other free programs including K-Pop dance classes next month. If you’re interested in registering for a class or just want to find out more information about their programs, email ymcatg@naver.com

Daegu City has started putting a comprehensive effort to keep the citizens safe and happy during the summer. The effort entails a series of methods ranging from informing the citizens before and during heatwave to operating cooling fog and neighborhood water parks. The following is some of the methods that are note-worthy.

● Campsite / Mini Water Park
From now to August 31, Geumhogang Campsite is available for public free of charge. Also, beginning from the end of June to early September, 11 mini water parks(물놀이장) will open.
Locations: Shincheon River, Geumhogang River, Sinseo Park, Sinam Park, Suseong Neighborhood Park(수성근린공원), Suseong Family Park, Yihyeong Park, Hamji Park, Paran Park, Gangchang Park, Chimsan Park.

Geumhogang Campsite
Mini Water Park(물놀이장) at Shincheon River

● Bottled Tap Water
During heatwave, cool bottled tap water will be provided for citizens at bustling locations such as popular parks.

● Cooling Fog
Lat year, cooling fog systems were set at 13 locations such as Cheongna Hill and Gukchaebosang Memorial Park. This year, Daegu Metropolitan City installs cooling fog at 22 venues.

2.28 Memorial Park in downtown 

● Road Sprinklers
When you walk on the street in summer, you will inevitably feel the heat coming from the roads. During afternoon, sprinklers installed on the road will be operated to cool down road, which can reduce the heat by 10 degree Celciius. The water used comes from underground, which will be otherwise wasted. So, this is eco-friendly way to keep the city less hot.

● Sprinkling Trucks
Likewise, sprinkling trucks will run throughout Daegu to cool down the roads that don’t have sprinklers installed.

● Canopies
Canopies were very popular last year since they provided cool shades while citizens were waiting at intersections where the sunshine directly hits. You will be able to see canopies here and there in 2018 summer as well.


The FIFA World Cup, an international football tournament which is held every 4 years will kick-off in June this year and the Republic of Korea will be taking part in the 21st edition of the tournament this year. This will be the 10th time the Republic of Korea is taking part in this tournament. For most Koreans, 2002 brings back nostalgic memories when the country co-hosted the event with Japan and pulled off some amazing results to reach 4th place; becoming the most successful team from Asia as far as the tournament is concerned.
As part of preparations for the tournament, the Republic of Korea football team had a friendly game on Monday, May 28 with their counterparts from Honduras at the Daegu stadium.

Pre-Match Atmosphere
I arrived at the stadium premises about 2 hours ahead of kick-off and the atmosphere was electrifying. Hundreds of people had turned up at the venue, some flagged in replica jerseys displaying the flag of the country. From children marching and displaying the national flag, to adults clustered in small groups talking among themselves over some bottles of beer, the atmosphere depicted a festival rather than a mere football game. I strolled to the make-shift market to explore the items on display. Ranging from football paraphernalia to food and other assorted products, there was enough merchandise on display in the various stalls. The euphoria and excitement made me forget that I purchased a 500ml bottle of water for ₩ 2,000 (almost $2).

Match Details
The atmosphere in the stadium was even more exciting. The excitement intensified when the players of both sides marched onto the pitch to sing the national anthems and complete pre-match formalities. The match kicked-off at exactly 8 pm as advertised. The stadium erupted into joy when the poster-boy of Korean football, who happened to be the captain for the night, Son Heung –Min found space for himself and released a left footed strike from 25 yards to give the home side the lead. Seon-Min  Moon added another one 12 minutes later to end the game 2-0 for the home team.

Massive Support provided by Daegu
I have been to the Daegu Stadium on several occasions to witness the local team play but the support and turn out I witnessed on this particular day was unprecedented. The well-organized, orchestrated support given by the fans to the team was quiet amazing. 33,252 people turned up for the game and they sang and cheered till the end of the game.
Once more Daegu city and the people have lived up to expectation and we wish the team all the best in Russia.

In Korea, a new semester starts in the early March unlike schools in other countries. Spring means a new start in lots of different senses for Koreans: new season, beginning of new life for nature, beginning of school year, beginning of a new phase of life(if you enter  elementary, middle or high school or even college), beginning of adulthood after finishing your education, etc.
As a result, there is a sense of excitement and anticipation among students in spring. This elevates in May, after all midterms is over, when colleges across the nation hold their own festivals. Koreans call this period  “College Festival Season”
Daegu Citizen Press, Junaid Haider and Pham Toan, are sharing their experiences at festivals at their colleges this year. I hope you all enjoy!

Yeungnam University Festival
Kyungpook University Festival

Yeungnam University Annual May festival

Yeungnam university is one of the oldest private university of South Korea founded by President Park Chung-Hee, located in Gyeongsan near Daegu city. Being a well-known and research-based environment, numerous foreign and exchange students are there for study and cultural exchange. To enhance the cultural exposure and improve the standards, different types of events are conducted by the admin throughout the year. Annual May Rock festival is one among them.

Figure 1: Masterpiece depiction

Every year after the 3rd week of May it is started and stays for three days, usually Wednesday to Friday. All three days very well-known celebrities are invited for unlimited fun. Students from different universities are welcomed to take part in the activities i.e. apply for booths to sell the food, tattoos and body painting, cocktail stall, variety of foods from different countries, cultural exposure, games, and endless fun.

Figure 2: Stage preparation

Like previous years, this year it was hell of fun there as an 8th YU annual festival held in the main campus as usual with full swing.

The event started on 23rd May in the evening and yes it was PSY day. A very famous singer and musician was invited to rock the stage. Before PSY’s arrival local singers and dancers compelled the crowed to wave.

XOX dancing and singing group made the environment for most awaited moment of the day.

Figure 3: XOX stage performance

Now it’s PSY’s turn. There was shouting of his name and people settle down to make the space for enjoying the climax of the day. He made my day for singing the energetic songs especially, oppa Gangnam style.

Figure 4: PSY performance, the most energetic singing
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