Korea Craft Beer Show 2018: craft beer, street food, concert and new friends!

This last weekend took place for the first time in Daegu the Korea Craft Beer Show! I went expecting to try new beers and have fun and I did so and even made some new friends and receive some gifts! The festival took place from Thursday 12th to Sunday 15th from 3pm to 11pm and counted with breweries from all the countries and food trucks to make that perfect combination of beer and street food!

Music from Blunt band, Parttime cooks, DJ Joojoo, Manwons, Sonya Maria & Band, Euno and much more made an amazing atmosphere where I’m sure everybody had a blast!! We had songs from Korea but also English songs, everything commented by MCs Rydia and Michael who are fluent in both Korean and English, all of this made this festival very inclusive so both foreigners and Koreans could enjoy it!

We had tons of different breweries in the festival: Brewdog, Weizen Haus, Ambition Brewery, Levee Brewing company, The Hand and Malt Brewing company, Whasoo Brewery, Platinum craft beer, Trevier, and The Table Brewing company. All of them really good and with super nice people who answered every question we had, gave us gifts and even invited us to some beer!

Brewdog was the most famous brewery, it comes from England and it’s the most sold craft beer in England! They have 9 types of IPA and other softer beers also!

Weizen Haus comes from Daejeon and it was created in 2003, one of the most famous craft beers from Korea!

Ambition Brewery is the baby of the line up! Being opened in April of 2018 in Gyeonggido, for this festival they had just three types of beer but they promise they will create more with diverse concepts!

Levee Brewing company also comes from Suwon! They had 4 types of beer in the festival, two more strong called Night Hunting and Red Ghost and two softer called Grey Wind and Summer! Their philosophy is “Good beer needs no bush”, so simple is better! 

The Hand and Malt Brewing company is from Seoul and prides itself on winning a medal on the International Beer cup! This brewery has the value of connecting tradition and modernity! Trevier started in 2003 in Ulsan, putting a lot of care in the ingredients they use!

Whasoo Brewery is one of the oldest in the list with 15 years of brewing beer and winning several prizes for its Vanilla Stout!

Platinum craft beer is an American brewery from Kansas and a popular name between beer lovers! They presented 5 types of beer for this festival.

The Table Brewing company was another giant prize-winning company in this line up! With its slogan “Brewery to table” they presented 9 types of beer in this festival, being “Honey Brown” their super star beer!

In the food truck section, we could taste sausages, fried chicken, yaki, kebab, steak, juice, pizza, fries and much more! We tried chicken and fries but everything was so good I forgot to take a pic of the fries (my bad! But trust me, they were amazing!!)

But for me, the thing I enjoyed the most was how family friendly this festival was! As the Korean word 남녀노소 (male, female, old and young people), everybody could enjoy this festival; I found myself dancing with a little girl but also with a mom and her daughter in her 20s, and having the time of my life dancing with beautiful Korean grannies! I loved how, regardless of age, sex, or nationality, everybody was enjoying the festival! I hope we will have again a new edition of this festival next year because I’m sure it will be as successful as the first one!

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